Powell Burke Claim

Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with a beating heart, replaying conversations from earlier in the day? You might spend a lot of time worrying about things that have happened in the past, or could happen in the future. Perhaps these thoughts and feelings have led you to avoid certain situations in order to avoid distress. Anxiety is a part of life. But when it becomes overwhelming, and interferes with reaching our goals and being the best versions of ourselves, we can benefit from talking about it. If this hits home for you, I hope you’ll reach reach out.
I believe that care and courage, along with some healthy curiosity can go a long way in helping you locate new possibilities and finding solutions that work for you. My process is not a one-size-fits-all affair. Indeed, the work we do together is unique to each and every individual I encounter and always begins with accepting you just as you are.
Beginning the self-exploration of therapy is an act of courage. I respect your bravery by providing a calm, warm, and nonjudgmental space to discuss and process your concerns. Evening and limited weekend hours are available. A 20-minute phone consultation is offered for all potential clients at no cost.
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